Whoo thats alota shit to cary around! So I got a new bag, and its a lot bigger (and infinitly more comfortable) than my Alchemy bag. SO! What do you carry when you ride? I carry....
Lock Cable
Jersey w/hi-tech fleece longsleeve undershirt
Helmet (duh)
Troy Lee XC gloves
Spare Tire (skids kill)
Tail light / headlight
Clif Bar (for the nom)
Flat Tube*
Two Spare Tubes, in baggie
Hand pump
Multi use wrench w/15mm
Pen (compulsive writer here...)
Schrade Multi Tool
Adjustable wrench
Charging Unit for lights w/battery
Park 4.5.6
Duct Tape
Two styles of patches
Trusty U Lock .
Cotton gloves
* Yes a flat tube, because its a really versatile tool and tragically easy to come by, fucking goatheads. I HATE GOATHEADS.
These are my new cages and straps. Cheap as fuck Origin8 stuff, but I have no need for Toshi straps because I ride on the streets, not the velodrome where NJS belongs....
So i've now ridden a fair bit on these and I really like them. I've been running these Wellgo cheapie pedals for almomst four years and they still work really well, and now they are much more comfortable. I have wide feet, and dont like running low fats because I smash pedals into the ground and crash and that blows. So these allow me to run the straps a little loose and still get a good grip. Why didnt I get with the times sooner? Double straps are the shit. I hear the power strapons are cool, but I rode Annas bike and couldnt even get my feet into them, so thats LAME. Hopefully another race will come along soon, im not doing the Pista Del Tierra Alleyct because...
Goodluck to anyone doing that race, ill be selling tubes for $50 a piece and you'll have to buy them sucka. Speaking of goatheads I had myself an American Flyers finish, or so its been told to me that I should refer to it as such. I also made new friends who dont like the shop I like(ed). Its lame that I suddenly notice how much a place is blowing the hipster cock after I do some free advertising. I know my shit buddy, and I wont pay a cent more!
So, I found that poem...

Pabst Blue Ribbon, how you've shown in my life
Through lonesome armchairs when you took my wife
And 25 years before that at the steel mills
My teenage discoverys, sins and thrills
From tabs to bottles, frothing forth from the tap
I know you will leave me, and you'll come back
I've seen your glow and come in from the rain
You've hurt me terribly and healed my pain
People partook in you after they shot me
Sending prayers to the Angel of Milwuakee
To you I drink life, golden and true
I swear to god Pabst, I do I do
Love. You.
Ok im going to bed, because I have to get up and work for the man tommorow, and the day after that, and the day after THAT and probably even the one after that.
OH wait, I got tickets to see Russian Circles at the Launchpad. Thats pretty much fucking awesome. Cant wait for tube-steak-day!
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