New Records! Haven't done badly at all I might say. From Left to right....
The Cure - Arabian Dream 1985 Boot
The Raveonettes - In and Out Of Controll
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Devo - Are We Not Men? 1978 Picture Disc!!!!
Alien Sex Fiend - Here Cum Germs
Bikini Kill - Self Titled
The Horrors - Primary Colours
Kid Cudi - Man On The Moon
Im not much for hip hop unless its WuTang but Kid Cudi knows whats up. I also found the british single for Love Will Tear Us Apart today, its amazing.
Now, Bike Stuff.

Can we get married? Please?
I've been riding a fuckin grip, hence the lack of posts. Tommorow is Critical Mass wich should suck massivly because it'll be really fucking cold. If its as cold as it was tonight when Anna and I were at Winning then fuck it. Then Bike Tag then Polo. I like bikes. Bikes are great.
And David built up a sick ass new bike, hopefully he'll post some pictures I can steal... And Kevin, whos bike ought to be done by what, tuesday?