I've got to have a rather expensive meeting with The Man in a little while, and I'm none to pleased about it. Don't have to much of a choice, gotta live somewhere hip ya dig! Can't be stayin in the suburban wasteland for to long.... In the next day or so ill be living (fingers crossed) on MLK, or Columbia. Ill let you know where.

Cough - Sigillum Luciferi (Forcefield)
I fell asleep listening to this slab last night, and let me tell you. I had some slow, miserable fuckin dreams. All my friends, turned to zombies, and I killed them. One at a time, slowly. This record feels like a meaner Electric Wizard. Maybe if Eyehategod and Electric Wizards "Dopethrone" fucked, this would be there sludgy, stoned baby. The liner notes read "Tune Down, Smoke Up". Good advice!
Tune Down, Smoke Up