12 years ago
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Eagle Twin

When I first heard this, im not gunna lie I thought it was shit. It was to big, and to much was happening. Then I listened again and again and found Crow Hymn and now I like it enough to shove it down your throat. Its only two dudes, if ya didnt know.
Crow Hymn

Jesus fuck this band is HEAVY. Get it and listen to Start Saving For Your Funeral. The breakdown at 4:40 is to good for words. Get your head smashed today.
Your Funeral
Black Tusk

When this record comes on, I just go all FUCK YEAH and jump around. I could do the whole this band is from Georgia and they sound like all the other bands from Georgia wich is awesome because they all kick so much ass and whatever. I fuckin love this album artwork BTW, dont you?
Just listen to it and enjoy.
Taste The Sin

Now I gotta say, I think Ginsberg is a tool. This is not his Howl. I feel like im listening to a more metal version of Baroness Red Album. Good things! I guess this is the sophomore release, I haven't heard the first record *yet*
Get It Here
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Price Is Wrong
I've got to have a rather expensive meeting with The Man in a little while, and I'm none to pleased about it. Don't have to much of a choice, gotta live somewhere hip ya dig! Can't be stayin in the suburban wasteland for to long.... In the next day or so ill be living (fingers crossed) on MLK, or Columbia. Ill let you know where.

Cough - Sigillum Luciferi (Forcefield)
I fell asleep listening to this slab last night, and let me tell you. I had some slow, miserable fuckin dreams. All my friends, turned to zombies, and I killed them. One at a time, slowly. This record feels like a meaner Electric Wizard. Maybe if Eyehategod and Electric Wizards "Dopethrone" fucked, this would be there sludgy, stoned baby. The liner notes read "Tune Down, Smoke Up". Good advice!
Tune Down, Smoke Up

Cough - Sigillum Luciferi (Forcefield)
I fell asleep listening to this slab last night, and let me tell you. I had some slow, miserable fuckin dreams. All my friends, turned to zombies, and I killed them. One at a time, slowly. This record feels like a meaner Electric Wizard. Maybe if Eyehategod and Electric Wizards "Dopethrone" fucked, this would be there sludgy, stoned baby. The liner notes read "Tune Down, Smoke Up". Good advice!
Tune Down, Smoke Up
Elitism! Hooray!
I suppose since i've got a pretty srious addiction ot music related shit, I ought to buy a tape deck! Yes, so I can listen to really, really obscure demos from Oregon Doom bands that recorded three songs and then died. Fuck you.
Who doesn't like to listen to shit that you can name drop and no one knows what your talking about? And then theres that dreadlocked girl at the local coffee haus that you one day strike up a conversation with because shes got a Cough patch on her dirtier-than-thou jacket. ELITISM! Fuck it, might as well enjoy as much music as possible. Go ahead, try it.
"Wait, you've never heard of (_________)?"
Feels good, doesn't it?
Who doesn't like to listen to shit that you can name drop and no one knows what your talking about? And then theres that dreadlocked girl at the local coffee haus that you one day strike up a conversation with because shes got a Cough patch on her dirtier-than-thou jacket. ELITISM! Fuck it, might as well enjoy as much music as possible. Go ahead, try it.
"Wait, you've never heard of (_________)?"
Feels good, doesn't it?

Sittin Not Sitting With Samothrace

Samothrace - Life's Trade (20 Buck Spin)
I just got this record this evening, and its blowing my mind. The kind of album you listen to alone, on repeat. This whole album is teeming with emotion. You will feel the music. Its tragic, and powerful. I dare say it's beautiful. It can be downloaded, but don't deny yourself owning a tangible copy of this.
Brain Melt
Im wiriting a book, and its good. I don't like much of what I write but this is different. No, you can't read it yet.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Another Thou (Re)Release

Thou - Tyrant 12" (Southern Lord)
So this was originally released on One Eye Records a few years back, and the fine folks at Southern Lord re-released it with new art work for me (and you) to enjoy.
The record is awesome, super heavy, super brutal. The song Chained To The Bottom Of The Fucking Ocean pretty much sums it up. Buy it, seriously you will not be disappointed.
The feedback harmonization from Tyrant, the title track and opener, leads into one of the best breakdowns you'll ever hear.
Or Borrow It...
Baton Rouge, You Have Much To Answer For

Thou - Baton Rouge, You Have Much To Answer For (Robotic Empire)
This band fucking rules, ask anyone who knows what brutal, heavy doom is and you'll hear THOU. I haven't got the vinyl release for this *yet*, but it looks tasty!
I could (and will) post alot of other THOU releases, but since i'm listening to this one right now, you can to.
This bad makes me feel like im 16, sitting on a beach getting drunk with friends. Whats that you ask? Reminiscent sounds? Well, Fuck You. Don't enjoy anything but the smell of your own shit.
Its hella fuzzy and distorted. I think I read someone else say they sounded like My Bloody Valentine, or The Jesus and Mary Chain... Either way, they were sorta right.

Munn - Selbstmordwald (Woodsmoke Cassette)
Another tape, what the fuck. I haven't owned a tape player in 10 years. Time to invest I guess.
You thought Sunn O))) was heavy? Fucking wrong. Download this and set your speed to snail. The title track Selbstmordwald is 43 minutes long.
Steal It
I found this through Cosmic Hearse. Credit where creidts due, that dude knows heavy.
Im sick of the shit I write, so fuck it.
Im going to talk shit and write about some bands I like.
Fuck you if you dont like them.
Im going to talk shit and write about some bands I like.
Fuck you if you dont like them.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
wordy wordy words
I feel like a dick, for myself and for the two people who read this. I have so much to say, and so little desire to type it. Its all written down, just not in here. I cant take pictures of my journal because my hand writing is fucked. I will steal from someone, and do something good. I like the year in picture posts...
Alot of anticipation there huh. Well, all those pictures are on another computer so in typical Jack style, FUCK IT.
Alot of anticipation there huh. Well, all those pictures are on another computer so in typical Jack style, FUCK IT.
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